I Am Cuba (1964)

Review: I Am Cuba (1964)

Director: Mikhail Kalatozov

Cast: Sergio Corrieri, Salvador Wood, José Gallardo, Raúl García, Luz María Collazo,

Sergio Corrieri
Sergio Corrieri
Salvador Wood
Salvador Wood
José Gallardo
José Gallardo
Raúl García
Raúl García
Luz María Collazo
Luz María Collazo

Plot: Four vignettes on the lives of the Cuban people in the pre-revolutionary era. In Havana, Maria is ashamed when a man she loves discovers how she makes a living. Pedro, an old farmer, discovers that the land he cultivates is being sold to an American company. A student sees his friends attacked by the police while they distribute leaflets supporting Fidel Castro. Finally, a peasant family is threatened by Batista's army.

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Mikhail Kalatozov&#8217;s <i>I Am Cuba</i> (1964): Criterion Blu-ray review

Mikhail Kalatozov’s I Am Cuba (1964): Criterion Blu-ray review

Mikhail Kalatozov’s I Am Cuba (1964) uses the striking cinematography of Sergei Urusevsky to create a fever dream version of the Cuban Revolution, a series of archetypal moments of oppression and resistance leading to an ecstatic explosion […]

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