4D Man (1959)

Review: 4D Man (1959)

Director: Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.

Cast: Robert Lansing, James Congdon, Lee Meriwether, Robert Strauss, Edgar Stehli,

Robert Lansing
Robert Lansing
James Congdon
James Congdon
Lee Meriwether
Lee Meriwether
Robert Strauss
Robert Strauss
Edgar Stehli
Edgar Stehli

Plot: Two brothers, scientists Scott and Tony Nelson, develop an amplifier which enables a person to enter a 4th dimensional state, allowing him to pass through any object. Scott experiments on himself and discovers that each time he passes through something he ages rapidly. He begins killing people, sucking out their life energies and regaining his youth as a result.

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Pandemic viewing, Part Four

Pandemic viewing, Part Four

Social isolation and “working from home” mean a lot of time for movie-watching … and the volume far outstrips my ability to say anything substantive about many of the films I do watch: so here I mostly just acknowledge what […]

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