Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)

Review: Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)

Director: Errol Morris

Cast: Dave Hoover, George Mendonça, Raymond A. Mendez, Rodney Brooks,

Dave Hoover
Dave Hoover
George Mendonça
George Mendonça
Raymond A. Mendez
Raymond A. Mendez
Rodney Brooks
Rodney Brooks

Plot: Errol Morris’s Fast, Cheap & Out of Control interweaves the stories of four men, each driven to create eccentric worlds from their unique obsessions, all of which involve animals. There’s a lion tamer who shares his theories on the mental processes of wild animals; a topiary gardener who has devoted a lifetime to shaping bears and giraffes out of hedges and trees; a man fascinated with hairless mole rats; and an MIT scientist who has designed complex, autonomous robots that can crawl like bugs.

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Listmania redux: The Greatest Documentaries of All Time, part two

Listmania redux: The Greatest Documentaries of All Time, part two

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