Genocide (1968)

Review: Genocide (1968)

Director: Kazui Nihonmatsu

Cast: Keisuke Sonoi, Yūsuke Kawazu, Emi Shindo, Reiko Hitomi, Eriko Sono,

Keisuke Sonoi
Keisuke Sonoi
Yūsuke Kawazu
Yūsuke Kawazu
Emi Shindo
Emi Shindo
Reiko Hitomi
Reiko Hitomi
Eriko Sono
Eriko Sono

Plot: A group of military personnel transporting a hydrogen bomb are left to figure out how and why swarms of killer bugs took down their plane; the answer is more deliriously nihilistic, and convoluted, than you could imagine. Also known as War of the Insects, GENOCIDE enacts a cracked doomsday scenario like no other.

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<i>When Horror Came to Shochiku</i>: from absurd to apocalypse &#8230;

When Horror Came to Shochiku: from absurd to apocalypse …

Dr Stein (Mike Daneen): Love demands courage. Lisa (Peggy Neal): Yes, that’s the lesson Guilala taught me. Finding myself off work for a day with some nasty kind of flu bug, by a strange coincidence the mailman knocked at my door and […]

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