Litan (1982)

Review: Litan (1982)

Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky

Cast: Marie-José Nat, Jean-Pierre Mocky, Nino Ferrer, Marisa Muxen, Bill Dunn,

Marie-José Nat
Marie-José Nat
Jean-Pierre Mocky
Jean-Pierre Mocky
Nino Ferrer
Nino Ferrer
Marisa Muxen
Marisa Muxen
Bill Dunn
Bill Dunn

Plot: Married couple Jock & Nora are visiting the town of Litan during Litan's Day, with its carnivalesque atmosphere. When Nora wakes that morning from dreaming the bizarre death of her husband, she sets out across town to find him and warn him. But as she does, she encounters stranger and stranger people and events erupting into a frenzy in front of her. Now, she and Jock must elude all of the impediments in their way of reaching safety on the outskirts of town.

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