Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980)

Review: Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980)

Director: Les Blank

Cast: Werner Herzog, Errol Morris, Tom Luddy, Michael Goodwin, Chris Strachwitz,

Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog
Errol Morris
Errol Morris
Tom Luddy
Tom Luddy
Michael Goodwin
Michael Goodwin
Chris Strachwitz
Chris Strachwitz

Plot: Directors Werner Herzog and Errol Morris make a bet which results in Herzog living up to his promise that he would eat his shoe if Errol Morris ever completed the film Gates of Heaven.

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The 5th Hong Kong International Film Festival, part nine

The 5th Hong Kong International Film Festival, part nine

In this, the longest section of my notes from the Fifth Hong Kong International Film Festival, I cover the English-language films from Britain, Australia and the U.S., which include documentaries, mainstream movies, films about sexuality and […]

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