The Black Crystal (1991)

Review: The Black Crystal (1991)

Director: Mike Conway

Cast: Mike Conway, Lilly Brown, Mark Lang, Kerry Wallum,

Mike Conway
Mike Conway
Lilly Brown
Lilly Brown
Mark Lang
Mark Lang
Kerry Wallum
Kerry Wallum

Plot: A young man incidentally acquires a mysterious and much sought-after crystal which is, apparently, a source of immensely awesome power...and a potentiality for danger in evil hands.

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Fantasy, horror and crazed killers on the exploitation fringes

Fantasy, horror and crazed killers on the exploitation fringes

I’m drawn to movies made on the fringes, far from the industry centre, and these have recently included low-budget ’60s noir, ultra cheap ’70s horror and ambitious ’90s direct-to-video sword-and-sorcery fantasy. Whatever […]

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